FLORAL BEDROOM SET CC2271 Epoch Sylvanian Families

Sale price$27.20
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Sylvanian Families FLORAL BEDROOM SET Epoch Calico Critters. The set includes all essential bedroom furniture beds, as well as vanities, end tables, and also works with all armoire pllots detailing accessories.

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Flat Rate Shipping: Our shipping charge is fixed regardless of the purchase amount. Please check to make sure you haven’t forgotten anything.

Import Charges:  As our products are shipped from Japan, they may be subject to taxes and customs fees during the delivery. Please check the following page to learn more details.

Processing Time: Orders will be shipped within 3 business days. Japanese weekends and public holidays are not included. Please refer to our business day calendar on the Kobeejapan Instagram page.

Guarantee of Delivery: We guarantee against damage or loss in transit.

About Returns: If something doesn't work out, you can send items back within 30 days of delivery. See return policy to know in detail.

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